Wednesday, May 2, 2012

..::.. 2 9 0 ...::..

在黑暗,低沉的时候,是自己叫醒自己!在我从来都没有信心的那一刻,是自己给自己胆勇敢踏出第一步,就算丢了面子又怎样?!在我不肯在任何人当面用同一种语言来沟通,如今,自己让自己鼓起最后的勇气做出了第一步。朋友们都给予我最大的鼓励,但是回到家顿时变得好软弱,慢慢的,惯了,试卷上的分数就只不过是一个号码,不代表什么,一次又一次那样地告诉自己,我能撑多久?在学院踏出的第一步成了那一份的光彩,我永远记得,永远烙印在我心中。这次的成绩我很满意! 虽然只有那两科,但这两科是我在痛苦的时段熬出来的。我想在这里告诉你,我都能了,你为何不能?! 高中时期的时候,谁能比我更黑暗?谁能比我更自卑?谁能比我更伤? 没有一个人生下来就天生丽质,没有一个人生下来就会成功,是靠那一份努力的热诚,那份就算失败了还在努力的心。坚持,我默认我很坚强!有谁知道坚强的那一刻,打滚了多久?流了多少的泪?躲在角落有几久?感情受到挫折的时候,我逞强到最后我克服。 那一时间,坏事连连接着去,整天都做错事情,糟糕到我连朋友都忘记载!感叹。最后,除了家人,朋友或是你的另一半,记得要感谢自己,爱惜自己,不要做出任何伤害自己的事情!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

..::.. 2 8 9 ..::..

End of Sem 3.
Great, One year passed, am entering Year 2 for Diploma courses this coming May. 
I promised to look forward on every year, every month, 
every week, every hours, every minutes and seconds as well.
Hopefully lah :X
load of things happen within that long duration. 
yup, it's over. its actually over between us. 


Girls like to shop even thou window shopping. 
Isn't bout spending money all the way, but it's actually a behavior .
Feel so great when bought something that I wanted or just so surprising when you got something else unexpectedly.
hee .

well , there's no more part time job for me starting from next sem.
Felt so sorry to all my beloved students, but maybe this is the best choice neither.
But somehow, i might getting over too stress starting from next sem at the same time spm just around the corner. So , work hard yea !
I love you guys a lot. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

..:;.. 2 8 8 ...::..


Monday, September 19, 2011

..::.. 2 8 7 ..::..

Feeling kinda hard to balance back my mood right now. what the hell happening to me ? so wanna bang the wall and end my life now. I just felt the stress. Am stress out with another thinggy but not college stuff. Somehow, just dont know why i couldnt choose to give up that way instead of fearing for those stress and emotional stuff. I always look for a better tomorrow but it seems like very hard to achieve. I blame myself. Im the one not playing my role well or they just not attaching their importance to me. I WANT TO BREATH. get a life, LING XIN YAN! wake up wake up! what is the real happiness meant to you? I couldnt figure it out. Do the things YOU like and dont get influence by others. Be more unrestrained that people always ask you to do ! In fact, those motivation quotes were just a joke ! how many times i told myself just to forget it and let it passed  but it seems like not. You just dont know how i feel when i received the message and it swung my mood as well. what the heck. Be the real me, and WHO AM I ?that's the question. Im tired and very very very exhausted. I just thought everything will better after a relaxing mind by eating or bathing. AND NOW, im NOT. Can i get back the something that worth to what I contribute for quite a time please. FED UP.  The only way i can do right now is sleeping i guess. I knew thats kind of escaping but I got no choice what to do. Forgive me. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sorry to say that I always make myself try to forget eveything that I really dont wanna think of it. 
I knew  it was kind of escaping,  but what to do?
Was trying so hard to face it, to face the problem but nonetheless failed.
Forgive me being so TIMID. wth ...


Thursday, August 25, 2011

..::.. 2 8 5 ..::..

Am going to end my first semester and the very last exam at 4.30pm later. :)
Can't wait for it ! 
Stay tuned. Blog will be updated very soon. 
Good luck for group E members and so DQS1. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

...::.. 2 8 4 ...::..

Time flies.
In summary as well, 
The most unforgettable Father's day i had and They had too.
I was admitted to hospital and an operation was done during that night.
Imma already suffering from the fever and gastric CRAMP for 6 days which brought about 1 week plus.
That was horrible.
Went to clinic for three time.
And finally,doctor asked me to have a check up in hospital.
I got appendicitis.

Thanks to all my friends, classmates and colleague.
I appreaciate the wishes a lot.

Yea, seriously. I mad with the assigments, sketches drawing and the mid-term examination.
Almost nil about it.
Building construction's result was not satisfied. I failed myself thou it pass.
I told myself everything consider fine IF PASS since I studied the subject last minute.
And how come EMO came to me ?
agreed with what Mun Yee said, everyone will compare their results.
Can I stop comparing with others?
I used to smile, used to forget everything and continue to work hard during SPM life.
But now, I feeling wanna die !
There's only 25 objectives question and some of it was just answering either true or false.
The more easier the questions, the more stressful I felt.
Feeling so wanna give up for this subject.
And yea, I knew that this is only the beginning,
people around keep telling me that, QS quite hard to study, the most difficult subject to study, School of Technology is difficult and bla bla bla.
I knew ! and what for you telling me this ?
I selected the course and I knew I couldn't escape from it.

Thank you for telling me that dont try to escape.

Well, just wanna know your opinion that
will you feel annoying and feeling want to slap the people
where the people keep asking what is your marks and what your friend's marks?
and trying to show off ! OH MY GOD !
what the hell.
stop complaining others before you get into yourself please !

went to a so-called student's birthday celebration. :)
and.. guess what ?
I was missing. I dont even know how to back since it was night when wanna meet with my friends after the party.
GOD. am so nervous by that time.

Days are getting harder for me.
Tension lahhh....
college stuff, tuition stuff, examination, role play, presentation and so on.
